Amr Abdulwahab

An Egyptian Astro photographer and astrophysicist.

Amr has been fascinated by the night sky since he was a kid growing up in a village in Upper Egypt with no electricity and light pollution. The sky was stunning and it drew him to connect with it. Ten years ago, he bought his first camera and fell in love with documenting what he sees.

Now, he is the president of Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud Astronomical Society, the oldest astronomical society in the arab world. He also manages Astrotrips, the first educational eco travel agency in Egypt, and heads Astro Academy, which teaches astronomy and space science to both adults and kids.
Every month, he organizes workshops in the heart of the Egyptian desert to catch the light in the darkness.

"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know."

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